School Bus Services

Sheltons Bus Service transports hundreds of school children safely between school and home daily in the region.
Sheltons school bus services operate on school days only.
Further information on these services can be obtained by telephoning the office during business hours.
Application for Travel by Eligible Students
Who Can Apply
To be eligible for free school travel, students may need to live a minimum distance from their school:
Years K-2 (infants)
There’s no minimum distance
Years 3-6 (Primary)
More than 1.6km straight line distance or at least 2.3km walking
Year 7-12 (secondary)
More than 2.0km straight line distance or at least 2.9km walking
Parents/Guardians must complete an application form for subsidised travel in any of the following circumstances:
- When the student has changed schools
- When the student has changed residential address
- When the student is moving from Year 2 to Year 3 at the same school
- When the student is moving from Year 6 to Year 7
- When the student repeats a school year
An online application for School Student Transport Scheme is required to be filled out online at the Transport for NSW website Once you have submitted your online application it will be sent to the student’s school to verify details and endorse their enrolment. After the school has endorsed the application the bus company will receive the student’s details and approval from Transport for NSW. Parents without access to the internet can phone 131500 for assistance with the application. Free travel is permitted after the application has been approved by Transport for NSW.
School travel is only available between home and school for school attendance and is available on school days only.
Bus Stop Approvals
Please Note – All new bus stops need to undergo a risk assessment before students can be picked up. If you are at a new bus stop please contact the bus operator so this can be undertaken before you are needing to start the service.
Travel Available for Students not Eligible for NSW Subsidised Transport
For those students not eligible for Transport for NSW Travel Passes they may wish to contact Sheltons Bus Service to apply for travel. Approval may be granted depending on the availability of seating and location of pick up and drop off on the service you are wishing to travel on.
Withdrawal of NSW Subsidised Travel
Transport for NSW reserves the right to withdraw a Travel Pass if the investigation shows the student to be ineligible. Following notification to the parent/guardian, subsidised travel will cease immediately.
Sheltons Direct Services
Sheltons Bus Service operates direct school bus services to many schools in the Dungog area. They include Dungog High School, Dungog Public School, St Josephs Primary School and Dungog Community Pre School. We also provide connecting services with Hunter Valley Buses, Busways and Linq Buslines for schools in the Maitland and Newcastle area. We cover a large area of the district and they include:
- Alison
- Clarencetown
- Glen Oak
- Seaham
- Flat Tops/Cambra
- Fosterton/Main Creek
- Gresford
- Monkerai
- Salisbury
- Stroud
- Stroud Road
- Wallarobba
- Wangat
Please call our office for further information or to find out which school service you will need to use to make your journey.
Where and When
Passengers other than students are always welcome to travel on school buses provided there is sufficient spare seating capacity available on the service.
Further information on these services and spare seating capacity can be obtained by telephoning the office during business hours.
Passenger Safety
In the interests of safety, parents or carers should be at the bus stop at the nominated time for the previous stop and on the correct side of the road. Please do not wait on the opposite side of the road to the bus stop. Primary School students will not be let off the bus unless there is an adult or responsible person there to pick them up.